Friday, 5 November 2010

The LibDem media curse strikes again!

Typical! Phil Woolas is found guilty and the NUJ are on strike meaning there isn't much news on the BBC networks!

Is it just me or is this video in this BBC article a little bizarre? I'm probably missing a legal nicety here but I can understand distraught families of victims not wishing to talk to the media and letting their lawyer read a statement but responding to a court judgement yourself quite happily and then getting your lawyer to then read a statement from you whilst still sitting next to him is just a little odd.

So, the by-election...Brown-trousers time? Logic would dictate that in the current national circumstances Labour would increase their majority. However on the plus side we can finally start trying to explain the coalition and our gains in it to real people en masse and see how that goes. You never know...

I hope we do modify our campaigning to deal with the new circumstances and start defending the sometimes complex decisions we have taken rather than reducing it to more flippant headlines. I know this is electorally naive (5 seconds from letterbox to bin etc.) but we should have a bit of a lead in here and I'd love to see if a more intelligent campaign could work...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do you really think northern voters will vote for you at this time after the hugely regressive cuts you have agreed with the Tories. Cuts there had to be but there is no real balance in the package. Cuts to housing and other benefits are going to make life very difficult for many of the poor. Tuition fees are your poll tax. Don't patronise with talk of 'complex changes', they are in the main simple and unfair. Watch the repossessions go up next year. Do you and other liberal party loyalists have no principles? Loyalty to fellow human beings should come above party. One day the real 'Modern' and progressive Liberal party will be reborn, not this bunch of quislings.